Remember, all homeowners are required to send in proof of Homeowner’s Insurance every year when the policy renews. You may drop off a copy in the drop-off box by the pool, or mail it to the address below.
You can have the policy automatically sent directly by your insurer by adding “Baytowne West HOA” as an “additional interest” or “other interest.”
To be in compliance, a Homeowner policy or, if rented, a Dwelling Fire policy is required. You need casualty insurance at cost values and include Hurricane (wind) coverage. You must also have at least $100,000 of Liability coverage. Note that Condominium insurance is not acceptable since it doesn’t cover the outer walls.
These requirements are to protect all of us and our beautiful community. We appreciate your help in keeping us in compliance.
Baytowne West HOA
Mailing address
1355 Wickford Street
Safety Harbor, FL 34695